Our statistics.


Key figures

[ Last updated: Jan 1, 2025, 12:00 AM ]

  • Total amount lent

  • Repayments to lenders

  • Interests paid back to lenders

  • Projects received and studied

  • Projects accepted and funded*

* 100% of the projects presented are funded, thanks to the October Guarantee

Our performance indicators

General indicators

[ Last updated: Mar 17, 2024, 3:07 AM ]

Calculation by: Volume (V)  |  Number (N)

Amount lent
Number of projects funded
3,303 29 522 696 890 395 224 190 181 119 57
Average amount borrowed
Average annual borrowing interest rate (V)
5.80 %7.93 %8.41 %5.76 %5.36 %4.88 %5.78 %5.36 %6.13 %6.13 %6.26 %
Average annual borrowing interest rate (N)
6.15 %8.43 %8.72 %6.05 %5.43 %4.54 %5.68 %5.54 %6.60 %6.58 %6.51 %
Average initial duration of loan (V)
49 months56 months49 months50 months50 months44 months45 months50 months53 months45 months51 months
Average initial duration of loan (N)
44 months47 months42 months46 months45 months40 months41 months44 months48 months49 months50 months
Average age of loans (V)
46 months2 months9 months21 months33 months44 months57 months69 months80 months92 months103 months
Average age of loans (N)
37 months2 months9 months21 months32 months43 months56 months69 months80 months93 months103 months
Capital repaid
Share of capital repaid 1
67.40 %0.30 %14.54 %38.53 %59.05 %80.16 %90.56 %87.72 %90.43 %95.36 %97.29 %
Interest received
Share of interest received 2
77.05 %1.17 %24.88 %55.33 %79.55 %94.80 %97.25 %98.79 %98.72 %100.00 %100.00 %

Performance results 

[ Last updated: Jan 12, 2024, 4:42 PM ]

Calculation by: Volume (V)  |  Number (N)

Internal rate of return (net of risk) 3
3.22 %8.44 %3.80 %2.27 %2.56 %3.95 %0.99 %2.63 %3.81 %5.26 %
Maximum possible internal rate of return 4
5.93 %8.60 %5.86 %5.51 %5.06 %6.01 %5.44 %6.33 %6.41 %6.43 %
Annual cost of risk identified 5
-2.71 %0.00 %-2.07 %-3.24 %-2.49 %-2.06 %-4.46 %-3.70 %-2.60 %-1.17 %

Incident indicators

[ Last updated: Mar 16, 2024, 3:07 AM ]

Calculation by: Volume (V)  |  Number (N)

Late Capital 6
Late payment rate (V) 7
0.30 %0.00 %0.17 %0.40 %0.33 %0.20 %0.80 %0.00 %0.03 %0.24 %0.00 %
Late payment rate (N) 7
4.51 %0.00 %4.76 %5.31 %6.79 %3.27 %4.82 %0.00 %1.10 %0.83 %0.00 %
Defaulted Capital 8
Default Rate (V) 9
5.53 %0.00 %0.75 %4.77 %7.72 %5.40 %3.13 %8.99 %7.00 %4.39 %2.69 %
Default Rate (N) 9
11.75 %0.00 %0.95 %9.76 %17.76 %12.81 %8.77 %16.40 %17.58 %15.83 %8.77 %

Default indicators**

[ Last updated: Mar 16, 2024, 3:07 AM ]

Calculation by: Volume (V)  |  Number (N)

Projects grade
Average rate
4.48 %6.01 %7.03 %6.33 %
Capital Outstanding
Default rate (V)* 10
46.71 %26.03 %25.44 %28.16 %
Default rate > 60 days (V)* 11
46.66 %22.63 %20.09 %24.76 %
Default rate (N)* 10
17.54 %22.14 %29.35 %24.56 %
Default rate > 60 days (N)* 11
15.79 %19.29 %24.06 %20.88 %

* net of recovery

** The table shows the default indicators required by the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR) for social lending platforms.

Sustainability-Related Disclosures.

  • Statement on principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors

    Period from 1 January to 31 December 2022

  • Information on promotion of environmental and social characteristics - Art. 8 SFDR

    Period from 1 January to 31 December 2022

  • 1. 

    Share of borrowed capital that has already been repaid. The older the loans, the higher the share already repaid. 

  • 2. 

    Share of interest due that has already been paid. The older the loans, the higher the share already paid. 

  • 3. 

    The net internal rate of return represents the annual profitability of the loans, net of known losses or proven losses at the calculation date. 

  • 4. 

    The maximum possible internal rate of return represents the annualised return on loans if all loans were repaid as originally scheduled. 

  • 5. 

    The annual cost of risk observed represents the decrease in profitability caused by delays and payment defaults compared to the maximum possible rate of profitability. This is the difference between the maximum possible internal rate of return (4) and the net internal rate of return (3). 

  • 6. 

    The overdue capital is the sum of the capital of payments less than 180 days overdue, net of recoveries. 

  • 7. 

    The late payment rate represents the proportion of overdue payments of less than 180 days in relation to the borrowed capital. It is calculated as follows: - by volume: overdue capital / amount lent; - by number: number of projects overdue / number of projects financed. 

  • 8. 

    The capital in default is the sum of the capital which will never or probably never be repaid. It is calculated as follows: sum of the capital of overdue payments of more than 180 days + sum of the capital overdue and the capital remaining due from a company in collective proceedings or which has been the subject of a forfeiture of the contractual term, net of recoveries. 

  • 9. 

    The default rate represents the share of capital that will never or probably never be repaid in relation to the capital borrowed. It is calculated as follows: - in volume: capital in absence / amount lent; - in number: number of projects in default / number of projects financed. 

  • 10. 

    (V): Ratio of the outstanding capital of delayed loans to the total outstanding capital of the October portfolio. (N): Ratio of # of delayed loans to the total # of outstanding loans of the October portfolio. 

  • 11. 

    (V): Ratio of the outstanding capital of loans with a payment delay of more than 60 days to the total outstanding capital of the October portfolio. (N): Ratio of # of loans with a payment delay of more than 60 days to the total # of outstanding loans of the October portfolio.