
Once again, October is listed on the Next40!

On Monday, February 8th, we had the (very good) surprise to learn that we were ranked in the French Tech Next40 2021 ranking! Already a laureate in 2020, we didn’t expect to be again, so it’s a great honor for us to be ranked again.

You said Next40?

The Next40 was created 2 years ago. It gives a panorama of the 40 most promising and innovative French start-ups with the potential to become world-class technology leaders. To make this ranking, the French Tech mainly based its analysis on economic performance. It automatically includes unicorns (unlisted companies valued at more than €1 billion) and start-ups that have raised more than €100 million.

At October we did not raised any funds in 2020, but we have reinforced our support to European SMEs thanks to the funds lent by our international investors (+300 million euros raised) and the mobilization of private individuals.

October Next40

A concrete support

October has already benefited in 2020 from the support of the Next40. This has enabled us to increase our visibility and benefit from facilitated dialogue with government agencies. We are delighted to be able to benefit once again from this support and to bring our communities of lenders, borrowers and investors on board in this adventure!

We look forward to a great year ahead. A big thanks to you!