
October launches its beta-test program on mobile !

Version 4.0 of our application has just been released and we have noticed that many of you are giving us feedback (and this is the case with each update). Your messages and remarks help us to #StriveTogether

With more than 18,000 users (10,400 on IOS users and 8,200 on Android) the October app is used by more than a third of our users. Therefore, we decided to launch a beta tester program*, supervised by our mobile developer, Mayeul. A beta tester is a person in charge of testing a product before its publication.

How to become a beta tester? 

As a beta tester you will have early access to the newest version of the app, before the rest of the users. Use the app as if you would use it now and report a bug directly to Mayeul through our messenger. That way, we can filter out the bugs, before the app is available to the public.

Did you find a bug? Do you have an idea for improvement? Nothing could be easier!

For Android, simply click on this link and update your application from the Google Play Store.

For IOS, you will need to :

1/ Download the TestFlight application (application developed by Apple for testing beta applications)

2/ Click on this link

With the beta version, your transactions and data remain secure, no worries!

Do not hesitate if you have any questions!

*beta version: software that is almost at the end of its development and is given to enthusiasts so that they can detect residual bugs and test it.