At Lendix, we love when our Lenders tell us about their experience. For that reason, we have interviewed Joan R., a 32 year-old Spanish Lender who works as accountant in the Barcelona region.
What were your reasons for joining the Lendix community?
I got to know your crowdlending platform through alternative investments forums and through economic press articles.
How do you choose the projects you lend to?
The first thing I look at is the rating, the maturity of the loan, the sector and finally the trajectory of the company. I also quickly review the main financial ratios and their evolution.
In general, I do not spend more than 5 to 10 minutes studying the project in which I invest because Lendix has a good team of professional analysts who have thoroughly analyzed the company’s ability to repay.
Do you usually lend from the mobile app or from the computer and why?
I usually use the e-mails you send periodically, which I receive directly on my mobile phone.
The app is also a very good tool to invest wherever you are.
Since my mobile is quite old, it does not work for my Android version but I participate in the projects through e-mails, via mobile. The process is similar to the one on the app.
Before you started using Lendix, where did you invest?
In IBEX 35 shares and in some other crowdfunding platforms, among the first that came out in Spain.
Do you think that it is necessary to have knowledge of the sector to invest in crowdlending?
No, I do not think so. Anyone who is interested in boosting their savings profitable and with some common sense can invest. However, you should investigate a bit in which crowdlending company you are investing in. For example, you can have a look at the history of the company, check other investors’ comments and opinions on forums, study the type of projects offered, verify if it is authorized by the CNMV (ie. the Spanish regulator) or the Bank of Spain, read the FAQs of the website and a few other things.
What would be your recommendations to improve the service of Lendix?
The only drawback is that some projects are funded very quickly, sometimes in a few minutes which does not enable many retail lenders to participate in these loans. Sometimes when the user sees the notice of a new project, the project is already financed or there are a few minutes left to complete its financing.
Perhaps this would be the main aspect of improvement, having more projects available and more time for all retail lenders to take part in almost all the projects.
What would you tell your friends if you had to describe Lendix?
I would describe it as a safe platform, easy to use and above all an ideal place to get a higher rentability for your savings. It is an alternative or a complement to other traditional investments in equity or through investment funds.
Thanks a lot Joan!