
Greetings from our CEOs

Thank you

This is the best time of the year to say “Thank you”.

So thanks to all our retail lenders and institutional investors to lend everyday to European SMEs. 🙏 In 2021, you especially loved to lend to one particular project: Sandaya. You were 5,671 to lent a total of €459,000 to these high quality campsites. And this year, institutional investors have also committed another €80m in October’s funds to support SMEs.

A big thanks to our community of borrowers: we reached the record of 840 projects funded in 2021. Like we love to say, it is more than in 2018, 2019 and 2020 cumulated! Among these borrowers, 53 already borrowed at October. So thank you for trusting our platform.

Thanks also to the first users of our technology October Connect: Bpifrance and Zencap AM among others.

Magical Greetings from our CEOs

This year we were lucky enough to take advantage of a small Covid-free slot and get the whole October team together in one place. For the first time in two years, all of our CEOs, from our five countries, have met in person. It was the opportunity to send you a special message to celebrate together the end of this year.

✋ So stop whatever you’re doing, sit and watch these magical greetings (don’t miss the special part at the end) 🦌